We are proud to announce that past St Paul’s student, Luke O’Hara, is returning to us on the 19th April 2024 to perform his brand new show, ‘Magic: Staged’, in the Bailey Hall at the school.
Luke left St Paul’s in 2022 and was known, by students and teachers alike, for his love for both being onstage, and performing magic.
He won St Paul’s Got Talent in 2018, entertained at the 2019 year 11 prom, and performed magic in an online conference to all of the schools in the Bosco Catholic Education Trust, being widely praised for his skill, showmanship and audience engagement.
And now he returns to perform his new magic stage show that he has written and devised especially for an audience. Luke wants you to come, for a very strange evening full of mind-reading, mystery and wonder, but also laughter and emotion.
Luke has spent 14 years of his life dedicated to creating special moments for his audiences and has spent that time developing skills in subliminal suggestion, memorisation and other methods to make people believe they are witnessing real magic. “There is nothing better…” he says, “… than seeing the look on somebody’s face when they see something that shouldn’t be possible”.
To secure tickets for this performance, follow the link to Ticket Tailor.
All are welcome, and students and those over 65 can claim a discounted price for a ticket.
As this not a St Pauls production our staff will not be supervising this event.