Curriculum overview

The curriculum is excellent and offers students appropriate courses that are very well matched to their needs

— Ofsted


At St Paul’s we aim to give every student the opportunity to grow, develop and flourish. We look to give them a well-rounded education that challenges them to develop spiritually, personally and academically to fulfil their God-given potential.

To achieve this we have to continue to be determined to develop, grow and change. Currently at St Paul’s our results place us consistently within the top ten percent of schools nationally, our aim in the improvement plan is to get into the top five percent.

Students don’t get a second chance in education. This means that we have to cherish every lesson as an opportunity to learn, equally we need to invest in high quality teaching, research and development to nourish and develop outstanding learning and teaching in all we do.



The curriculum has been designed and developed to challenge, support and inspire students to achieve their God-given potential in all areas of their time at St Paul’s. In each curriculum area this is planned, implemented and evaluated carefully to ensure a broad and balanced experience of learning and development.


As an 11-18 school we have continued to adapt and evolve the curriculum to match the changing needs of our students and the curriculum changes nationally. Each subject has mapped and planned this carefully and we ensure on-going opportunities for evaluation, reflection and improvement.


The consistently strong outcomes at all key stages demonstrate the positive impact of the curriculum on offer at St Paul’s. This can be seen by the culture of high expectation in all areas of the school and a drive to continually improve and build on the strengths of the school.

Our Mission

Inspiring a Living Faith with Hope and Love.

Whole school vision and intent


Carefully designed opportunities at KS3 for students to experience and enjoy wide range of opportunities which promote intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative and physical development.

KS4 – carefully considered balance of traditional Ebacc subjects alongside choice to incorporate wider subject opportunities.


A curriculum that is designed to challenge and push all student at all levels but with appropriate support to create an environment of low stress. This will enable them to develop their god given talents throughout their life.


A curriculum that develops a love of learning that will stay with students for ever.


A curriculum that carefully sequences knowledge and focuses on progression. Knowledge and skills are horizontally and vertically integrated.


A curriculum that develops the whole child which enables students to explore and develop their potential. It encourages empathy and integrity.


The curriculum is relevant to student’s needs and the demands of a rapidly changing world.

Opportunities are created within the formal and hidden curriculum which enable students to make informed choices and engage with the world.


A well-planned curriculum underpinned by ‘Science for Learning’ techniques to enable students to best learn, understand and remember.

Curriculum Subjects

Broad and balanced

We have made a firm commitment to retain a broad and balanced curriculum. Even during times of significant curriculum change we have invested in ensuring that all subjects flourish at St Paul’s. RE and spiritual life remain at the core of life at St Paul’s as a faith school. Core subjects have flourished alongside a wide variety of curriculum areas including humanities, languages and the arts.

Research & Development

We are heavily involved in initial teacher training, leadership development and school improvement. Through the commitment to lead the Inspire Teaching School Alliance and Sussex Maths Hub we do extensive work developing teachers at all stages of their careers. This benefits and grows staff at St Paul’s too.


We are fully committed to investing time in development of the highest quality of learning and teaching. This has included seeking out opportunities to work closely with exceptional schools nationally and internationally.


We believe we have a moral obligation to do what’s right for education not just our school. This has led us to take on outreach work with primary and secondary schools in supporting their growth and development. This has provided opportunities for us to develop and articulate best practice in the work we do on learning, teaching, leadership and the curriculum.


Key Stage 3

A traditional, broad and balanced curriculum over three years

We have made a firm commitment to retain a broad and balanced curriculum. Even during times of significant curriculum change we have invested in ensuring that all subjects flourish at St Paul’s. RE and spiritual life remain at the core of life at St Paul’s as a faith school. Core subjects have flourished alongside a wide variety of curriculum areas including humanities, languages and the arts

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Timetable Allocation Key Stage 3 Curriculum Timetable Allocation
Religious Education 18 English 23
Mathematics 23 Science 21
Computing 4 French 15
Learn to Learn 2 Spanish 15
History 12 Geography 12
Art 8 Drama 8
Music 8 Technology 9
PE 12 Information Literacy 2
LovEd 3

Key Stage 4

Investing in depth and a love of each subject

We have committed to most students doing ten GCSEs at Key Stage 4. With all students doing RE, English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Languages. During the options process we guide each student to choose subjects that will stretch and challenge them as well as meeting their interests and aspirations.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Timetable Allocation Key Stage 4 Curriculum Timetable Allocation
Religious Education 12 English 18
Mathematics 18 Science - double or Science - triple 22
Geography 10 History 10
German 10 Spanish 10
French 10 Design Technology - Food 10
Design Technology - Product Design 10 Art 10
Drama 10 Music 10
Media Studies 10 Computing 10
BTEC Sport 10 CAMNAT Media 10
CAMNAT Business 10 LovEd 2
Core PE 8

Key Stage 5

Success leading to the next chapter

Students study three A level, or equivalent qualifications, at Key Stage 5. We have invested extra curriculum time and teaching in the Key Stage 5 provision. This has allowed us to nurture, support and challenge our students to ensure they are successful at Key Stage 5. This can lead them on to further education and employment, up to 85% achieving their first-choice university and one in four successfully applying for Russell group universities.

Timetable Allocation
L3 (A Level) Subjects 22 BTEC Double Subject 44
L2 BTEC Sport 20 BTEC Single Subject 22
Core Maths 6 Sports Leaders 8
GCSE English 8 GCSE Maths 10

Want to know more?

For Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4, please contact Mrs Homer (Assistant Head Teacher) by emailing [email protected].
For Key Stage 5, please contact Mrs Hubbard (Deputy Head of Sixth Form) by emailing [email protected].